Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March Mileage Madness 2015

The 5th edition of the big kick-off run of spring is coming on March 21.  The plan will be as in years past to meet at my house on Saturday morning and take off on a run around the reservoir and regroup back at the house for BBQ, potluck, trampoline and stories of other big runs planned for the spring and summer.

There are three designated route options:

>the Classic 23 mile Reservoir Circumnav. route- map and description
>Pete's Route- 36 miles with lots of climbing map and description
>9 mile Reservoir overlook route- map and description (scroll past Pete's route)

You can also make up your own variations on any of these routes,  Just plan to start with a group at my house at 7:00 or 8:00 am (I'm doing away with the 9:00 start after an absence of starters at that time last year) and be back by noon or so enjoy the BBQ and share stories of your time on the trail.

 There are a couple places to fill water at trail heads and park entrances, but there will be no aid stations, so carry what you'll need.

Bring whatever you like for the post run festivities- food, drinks, something to BBQ.  .  . We'll fire up the BBQ around 1:00 and hang out and eat and drink and enjoy the afternoon until about 4:00.

Send me an email if you have questions or leave a comment below.  Feel free to leave a comment with your start time and planned distance too.

Lots of other pictures, results and info from previous year's events here.

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