Sunday, June 30, 2013

Robinson Flat Aid Station

We met Alex at Robinson Flat aid station at Mile 30 at 11:30am. Right around 24 hour pace and he looked good. He was happy to have a wet towel draped over his neck & head. We are now hanging out at Foresthill where Cat will join as Alex's pacer at Mile 62, seeking shade and reveling in any slight breeze as it's currently 93 degrees. You can always check Alex's status on the course at the Live Webcast on Runner #274.

Here are a few pics from the past few hours:


  1. Stay strong, Alex! And remember, if you get tired, just drop out :)

  2. Thanks for the updates Nora! Never take advice from Fanning on any run longer than 10 miles.

  3. Hope you're still going strong, Alex! Eagerly awaiting an updated post here in Port Townsend. I'm thinking of you being joined soon by your pacer, and realizing that that welcome friendly aid fits my "sustainable together" theme -- you don't want to run 100 miles all alone! (Nor should you, it seems...) Hi to Nora, M&D!
